Market business development and goals achievements |

This Rozvytok’s service includes the following:
I. Visits support:
On a base of proposed strategy of careful planning and analyses, with passing maximum amounts of risks to the Client’s local partners, Rozvytok nevertheless propose fast terms of implementation in order Client to have extensive benefits of the position of leading player at Ukrainian/FSU markets.
- Arrangements of Client’s visits to the Ukrainian/FSU potential customers and partners;
- Support of Client’s visits with preparation of operator’s specific descriptions of their:
- systems deployed by each operator (Vendor, Scale, services deployed);
- availability of plans to evolve or replace them;
- preselection of specific products/services;
- services are planned for the future by the operator;
- recommendation whether direct channel has a chance of success in case of each Operator;
- recommendation of partners for each of the operators if indirect channel needs to be taken.
II. Office opening:
Rozvytok helps to arrange sales office in Kyiv on legal, logistic, recruitment and administrative levels, providing following descriptions:
- the Market Entrance;
- Legal Forms of Business Entity;
- Registration of the Representative Office;
- How Companies Used to Start Business in country;
- Cost of opening office and its maintenance;
- Help and participation during selection of Kyiv sales office employees or full recruitment service for the sales force in Kyiv.
III. Strategic media planning, Media relations, support and arrangements at events: Media relations service (press and TV)
- Analyses of Ukrainian media structure and ownership;
- Meetings with owners of media monopolies;
- Development of sale-oriented marketing plan;
- Arrangements of press-conferences, ICT press articles publications, interviews, publishing of press-releases, publishing of local promotional materials.
IV. CeBIT and regional exhibitions support
- Arrangements of visits of the official delegations of incumbents, alternative operators, press, potential partners and customers, key players from the Ukraine/FSU to the booth of a Client CeBIT booth.
- Arrangements during the regional conferences of Client’s visibility: preferred attitude, best visibility creation: sponsorship, presentations, materials distribution etc.;
- Arrangements of meetings with potential partners and customers, key players from the Ukraine/FSU/CEE.