System Integration, H/W & S/W sale |

System Integration, Hardware and Software Supply
System Integration from Rozvytok includes the folowing stages:
- technical audit of the customer ITC infrastructure, development of recommendations;
- development of specification as of customer needs;
- development of the implementation plan and relevent documentation;
- development of the maintenance procedure;
- relevant tranining for the customers personnel;
- delivery and installation of the hardware and software;
- passing tests and hand-over procedures;
- warranty and maintenance support.
Hardware and Software Supply
Close cooperation with the largest ITC vendors allows to Rozvytok to offer to our customers the best purchase and delivery conditions for equipment, professional maintainance, programming, warranty and post-warranty service. Among most popular requests which Rozvytok used to proceed are for: Cisco Systems, Juniper, RAD Data Communications, Asotel, Watson, CheckPoint etc.
In Rozvytok we developed two basic support levels defined in the Service Level Agreement (SLA):
- 4 hours repair time (4hrt) and
- Next Business Day (NBD) repair time.
Hardware and Software Supply can be implemented using the folowing financial programs:
- full prepayment;
- post payment;
- long-term leasing.