IP-based Services |

This service means the combination of two and more remote offices into a unified protected and fully connected network for data exchange on the basis of TCP/IP protocol following the parameters and the rules of heterogeneous traffic transfer - Classes of Service (CoS).
This service is provided on the basis of RFC 2547 (BGP/MPLS VPNs) and RFC 2764 (A Framework for IP Based Virtual Private Networks). Geographically, the service can be rendered for a city IP VPN, inter-city IP VPN and international IP VPN.
The equipment set in a client's office or collocation room is connected to a service access port at the Rozvytok collocation room via dedicated line with guaranteed speed. The differential model (DiffServ Model) of QoS support based on Classes of Service is implemented in the Rozvytok network.
To transfer data of various client's applications, Rozvytok supports 3 classes of traffic data service:
- Standard (ST) - transfer of traffic data not critical to timely delays. Traffic is transferred on the «best efforts» principle, i.e. if the network resources are free (e.g. web resources, e-mail etc.);
- Premium (PR) - transfer of traffic data critical to bandwidth. Traffic is transferred within the limits of the guaranteed bandwidth (guaranteed data delivery). For example, video and multimedia applications transfer, online access to remote corporate databases etc.;
- Real Time (RT) - transfer of traffic data critical to bandwidth and timely delays. Minimum timely delay within the limits of the guaranteed bandwidth is assured (minimum network delay and minimum network delay variation — jitter).
Provision of various service levels (Classes of Service) allows to integrate voice traffic with client's local network data and to provide high-quality video transfer within your corporate network.
Main characteristics:
- channel speeds are divisible by nx64 Kbps in the ranges of 1Mbps, 2Mbps, 4 Mbps, 10 Mbps, 100 Mbps, 1Gbps;
- this service is available in Ethernet (main), V.35/X.21 and G.703 interfaces;
- planned availability: yearly 99,5%-99,99% (technology dependent);
- other services: 7*24*365 network management; 7*24*365 Hotline service; trouble ticketing, service reports.
Virtual Private Network (VPN)
The essence of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is that the private network of the company is substituted by a public network, while keeping its private characteristics through encryption. Thus a virtual network is created, where data-flow between the two end-points is encrypted, resulting in an absolute safe communication. VPN technology, allows network infrastructure sharing by several companies. VPN makes it possible to implement services similar to those offered by true private networks.
This service allows to create closed private data transfer networks of any geographic scale on the basis of IPSec protocol when connecting to Rozvytok IP network and/or public Internet. This service allows you to reduce expenses on construction of the geographically distributed corporate data transfer network compared with the similar solution based on leased dedicated channels with comparable security level.
To construct a protected IPSec VPN network we use the IPSec protocol — a set of standards used for data protection and IP-level authorization. To encrypt data we use symmetrical encryption with the help of secret key 3DES algorithm.
It is possible to construct VPN-based corporate networks of any geographical scale. It is the most optimal variant of corporate network construction if no additional demand to guarantee capacity of organized channels is aplied. Rozvytok VPN is an ideal solution of simultaneous transmission of voice data, delay-sensitive traffic or confidential corporate information. Rozvytok arranges turnkey corporate networks on digital terrestrial and wireless channels.
Layer 2 Ethernet
Internet Access
Rozvytok Internet Access service implies the construction of a dedicated digital channel in order to provide internet access to the user with the speed up to 1 Gbps. Depending on the user’s requests, the service can be complemented with extra services of domain names support (Secondary DNS and Primary DNS), e-mailing (POP3), IP-addresses, equipment collocation.