Services |

Rozvytok is an operator and independent markets research, consultancy, business development and sale support company focusing on all aspects of the telecommunication sector. Company has deep professional background, demonstrated experience and proven successful track records in the booming region of Former Soviet Union countries including Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Russia, Moldova. From the other side, Rozvytok helps operators from FSU to establish business connections to the leading international operators of CEE, including Poland, Germany, Hungary, Romania. Based in Kyiv, Ukraine, Rozvytok's depth and breath of analysis provides regional perspective of telecommunication market development. Combining original thinking with exceptional knowledge and experience, Rozvytok assists clients in making solid marketing and commercial decisions about market realities, best strategies and competitive positions. With strong roots in the tracking of Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries, Rozvytok's strategic advices cover all aspects of telecommunication services - ranging from incumbent, alternative operators and ISP. Ukrainian/CIS telecommunication markets are still quite specific, very regulated and thus risky. That is why Rozvytok puts special emphasis on smooth entrance of our Clients to those markets. Former Soviet Union (FSU) countries markets were our home ground long before others discovered them. And we are pioneers when it comes to identifying new opportunities - so our customers can quickly profit from our local knowledge. Having deep local knowledge, Rozvytok offers full range of result-oriented professional services to identify, value control of Clients penetration to the new markets of Ukraine and FSU countries.