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The Management and employees of Rozvytok are unanimous in their commitment that Rozvytok will conduct all business activities in accordance with the highest legal and ethical standards.
Developed by Rozvytok Compliance Program applies to all employees of Rozvytok, as well as to consultants, agents, representatives, and all other persons or bodies who carry out work on behalf of Rozvytok. Additionally, we expect our business partners, suppliers and customers to aid us in this effort by acting in a similarly ethical manner. As such, certain aspects of Rozvytok's Compliance Program, apply not just to Rozvytok's employees, but also to third parties with whom we do business.
Rozvytok's Compliance Program has been designed to ensure that the Company conducts its business to the highest standards of awareness, training, commitment, and adherence to applicable laws and regulations.
- Every member has the professional responsibility of fair dealing towards the member's clients, fellow members, and the general public.
- Every member has the professional responsibility of adhering to generally accepted standards of accuracy, truth and good taste at all times.
- No member shall represent conflicting or competing interests, nor shall be placed in a position where the member's interest is in conflict with duty to the client.
To do so require the implementation of policies and procedures that address potential compliance risk areas together with identifiable mechanisms for reporting, investigating, monitoring, and correcting cases of suspected or actual non-compliance.
Please reffer to the Code of Conduct which is implemented by Rozvytok, please note that it fuly correspond to the internationaly proven Codes of Conduct. (to load)
Internal and External Auditing
Internal/external auditing primary goal is to provide support to the management of the Company for the efficient completion of their tasks.
Audit plan yearly is prepared in order to establish a reliable opinion on the control activities of certain areas and of the whole Company - to identify areas of risks. Complete Company level audits are done to make sure that the organization complies with the approved corporate policies, objectives and expectations and fulfills its responsibilities efficiently and effectively in a reasonable and diligent way.
Auditing has a special empowerment for fulfilling its responsibilities and measures. This empowerment provides full, free and unrestricted access to data, information, record keeping systems and to employees, facilities and assets involved in an audit.
The management of Rozvytok keeps regular contact with the external auditor for the efficient information exchange and for the optimal coordination. The external auditor extensively relies on the results of the internal Auditing. The external auditors perform their work in full compliance with the relevant professional standards, laws and ethical norms with special focus on the audit standard. Only higly professional companies are used as external auditors.