Magyar Telecom |

Magyar Telekom is the principal provider of telecom services in Hungary. Magyar Telekom provides a broad range of services including telephony, data transmission, value-added services, and through its subsidiaries is Hungary's largest mobile telecom and leading Internet service provider.
The management structure of Magyar Telekom defines the operating model for the Group on the grounds of the customer segments; it is based on two business units and the technology unit managing the networks and IT infrastructure. This model covers two business areas:
- fixed line and mobile communications residential services (T-Home and T-Mobile brands);
- corporate services provided to business customers (T-Systems brand).
Group Headquarters is responsible for the tasks of the functional areas which affect the entire company group (finances, human resources, strategy, corporate development, regulatory area, communication, internal audit, security and the legal area).
The Magyar Telekom Group’s member companies operating in Hungary are managing ICT (infocommunications), content, media and other, non-access services provided under various brands.
Member companies in Hungary are the following: Dataplex; EPT; IQSYS; KFKI; Pro-M; [origo]; Kitchen Budapest; M Factory; Tele-Data; Telekom Media Holding
The Group’s international member companies are operating in the markets of the South-East European region as integrated and alternative telecommunications service providers.
International member companies are the following:Makedonski Telekom; T-Mobile Macedonia; Crnogorski Telekom; T-Mobile Crna Gora; Orbitel Bulgaria, Combridge Romania