TWB conferences |

10-th Anniversary Symposium "Telecommunications Without Borders" (TWB ODESA-2012) which taking place on Ukrainian Black Sea Coast in Odesa, 21-23 August You, your organization, staff and Telecom sector colleagues are most welcome to come along to this internationally recognized event - which is the each year that the whole operators, providers and vendors comes together in the one place in Ukraine.This year Commercial director of Rozvytok LLC, Oleh Bobovnikov is a symposium moderator.
Invest in your business and keep up to date with industry initiatives. Experience excellent business networking and learning opportunities! Symposium long and firmly established in the status of an effective tool for solving practical problems and to build partnerships in the telecommunications environment, becoming a "business bridge" between East and West.
The goal of TWB Odesa - 2012 is find the new aspects of transnational cooperation, to present original projects and solutions for potential investors, to assess the promising directions for Vendors. TWB Odesa-2012 allow each participant to demonstrate the telecommunication community the best achievements and opportunities, to find or make a profitable business proposal.
Symposium TWB is the telecom's annual event and this year we are proud to return to the place where it all began, recalling the first symposium took place (more than 10 years ago) in 2002 in Odesa. We thank you for your support and passion for the industry and importantly we look forward to seeing many of you in Odesa 21-23 August, to help us celebrate anniversary and industry progress in 2012!
Tel./Fax:+ 38(048) 7374200, e-mail:,
Dear Sirs and Madam!
Because of its regular participants from all member countries of the European Union and theCIS Symposium long and firmly established in the status of an effective tool for solving practical problems and to build partnerships in the telecommunications environment, becoming a "business bridge" between East and West.
The goal of "TWB Kyiv - 2011" is to find out the way of new aspects of cooperation in the development of transnational cooperation, to present original projects and solutions to potential investors and participants in the telecommunications sector, to assess the promising directions forVendors.
«TWB KYIV-2011» – is a new round of development of our symposium, which will allow each participant to demonstrate the telecommunication community the best achievements and opportunities, to find or make a profitable business proposal.
"TWB KYIV-2011" - is the basis for cooperation between operators, service providers, developers, vendors and investors.We hope that Kyiv (from 4 to 6 May) will be for you a springboard for new benefits and Success.
Моb: +380-95-289-0089, Tel/fax: +380-48-737-4200, e-mail:,
8-10 September 2010, Odesa, Ukraine
Technical director of Rozvytok LLC Sergiy Logvinov took part in the International Symposium "Telecommunications Without Borders in Odessa", which was in Odessa, Ukraine, September 8-10, "TWB-ODESSA – 2010".
The goal of "TWB ODESSA - 2010" is to find out the way of new aspects of cooperation in the development of transnational cooperation, to present original projects and solutions to potential investors and participants in the telecommunications sector, to assess the promising directions for Vendors.
"TWB ODESSA - 2010" – is a new round of development of our symposium, which will allow each participant to demonstrate the telecommunication community the best achievements and opportunities, to find or make a profitable business proposal.
"TWB ODESSA - 2010" - is the basis for cooperation between operators, service providers, developers, vendors and investors.